The answer to life, the universe and everything ...
... is available at google. If you need more explanation try at Wikipedia ;-)
Found at Embracing Open Sources
Photos from the right point of view...
Oozinator, the best Xmas gift
Stallman singing the free software song
This is so far the geekest post in this blog :-)

There is even a band playing
their version of the song...
Si todos fueramos funcionarios
My favourite band, F de Fecal
Check this out

If you liked it then you will like other clips from the same band such as
this and
this. Enjoy!
DJ Phiemo clips
A cascala and his new hit
A tu hermano hi visto
Obstetricia en Bucarest
I, II y
III, by
Los Gandules
Mensaje navideño de Su Majestad El Rey
La colección completa de Bizcoché y Ojos de Huever
Los héroes de la campiña
Capitulo 1 Capitulo 2Capitulo 3Capitulo 4Capitulo 5
Spreading seed
Cool animation for me to poop on!
Concurso de Jotas Guarras
Asociación Cultural Cabezo Alto de Formiche Alto (TERUEL) ha vuelto a organizar el
Concurso Provincial de Jotas G (guarras,groseras,gruesas,gamberras y graciosas).
- 1º 200 euros y un jamón
- 2º 100 euros y una paletilla
- 3º 50 euros y un lomo embuchado
Mucha suerte